Priority Areas

The Trust views education as an essential requirement to sustainable economic growth and promotion of social fabric of Uganda. Higher education in Uganda has witnessed a plethora of challenges such as accessibility, affordability, and the lack of improvement of physical facilities. The Trust therefore aims at creating the greatest impact in areas, which are considered critical to the enhancement of equitable education. In choosing the priority areas, the Board of Trustees consulted a number of stakeholders and came to an agreement on challenges facing equitable provision of education in Uganda and even other developing countries. The following areas represent the priority areas, which are subject to periodic reviews as need arises:

Support to disadvantaged students to attain Higher Education
In Uganda just like many developing countries, very few high school leavers, especially those from disadvantaged families, can expect to graduate from University and earn gainful employment. This is not due to lack of talent but instead to the high costs of tuition which most cannot afford. The trust intends to counter this problem in Uganda by providing support to payment of tuition fees and other living expenses to disadvantaged but academically excellent students who have completed secondary school (or equivalent) studies and are illegible to join university education – originating from all regions of Uganda. Read More

Scholarship Programme
The Trust aims at adopting a pro-active approach to create and promote a wide range of educational opportunities for the underprivileged but deserving children in disadvantaged and marginalized areas of Uganda. The Trust therefore teams-up with partner institutions and individuals across the world to establish and organize scholarship opportunities for post-secondary school students within and outside Uganda. This will provide more opportunities for disadvantaged children to pursue their development goals.. Read More

Research and innovations
It is the shared view of the trust that knowledge generated by research and converted into application is the basis of sustainable development of a country. In this respect, research and innovation is at the heart of the priority areas of the Trust. The Trust aims at mobilizing resources to support research and innovation specifically in areas relevant to Uganda’s needs and that will benefit largely the disadvantaged and marginalized communities in the long run. Read More

Development of Education Facilities
A large number of schools especially in rural areas have poor infrastructure and insufficient education facilities. Students in these schools are at an increased disadvantage and continue to perform worse than those from urban areas. One of the priority areas of the Trust is to partner with sister institutions, individuals and affected communities to support the development of educational facilities in disadvantaged (including disaster-stricken) areas, to benefit majority of the underprivileged students in these communities. Read More