What We Do

Scholarship Programme

Thousands of low-income students are highly motivated and ready for college every year. We’re working to help them get there by organising study scholarships with partner institutions for post-secondary school students within and outside Uganda. We also encourage leadership and public service in the Uganda. We will look to provide scholarships for graduate study in fields that benefit local and global communities.


METL will be looking to fund scholarships to expand access to post secondary education for low-income disadvantaged students. The trust will look to partner with universities within and out of Uganda to give disadvantaged, university-ready and highly motivated students the opportunity to attend post secondary education through the issuance of scholarships and bursaries in these partner universities.

Research and innovations

As the fund looks to acquire more resources to achieve it’s objectives of educating under privileged and disadvantaged students, we do recognize that the trusts funds, and assistance from the trusts partners in never sufficient to help each and every disadvantaged student out there.
To ensure that our parts of our investments have the greatest long-term impact, we have developed strategy of funding research and in fields that will benefit many more disadvantaged communities in Uganda and beyond.

We plan to focus research funding in areas of:

  • Engineering
  • Medicine and public health
  • Business Entrepreneurship
  • Climate Change and Environment degradation.

We feel that positive development of these areas through research funding will, in the long run, be beneficial to many disadvantaged communities and help uplift them from poverty.

Development of Education Facilities

A large number of schools especially in rural areas have poor infrastructure and insufficient education facilities. Students in these schools are at an increased disadvantage and continue to perform worse than those from urban areas. METL partners with sister institutions, individuals and affected communities to support the development of educational facilities in disadvantaged (including disaster-stricken) areas, to benefit majority of the underprivileged students in these communities.

The partnership approach with sister institutions and local commuinties enables us to strengthen communities so that they can lead the way in responding effectively to their own educational needs.

By providing marginalized communities with long term support we are able to have a lasting impact on the education opportunities available to disadvantaged groups.

Support to disadvantaged students to attain Higher Education

In Uganda, very few high school leavers can expect to graduate from university and earn a bachelor’s degree. This is not due to a lack of talent but instead to the high tuition costs. METL intends to counter this in Uganda by provisioning support for payment of tuition fees and other living expenses to all disadvantaged poor but academically excellent students who have completed secondary school (or equivalent) studies and are unable to join university education – originating from all regions of Uganda, including the urban poor.

METL is focused on increasing postsecondary completion rates for disadvantaged students because, whether it is a certificate, an associate degree, or a bachelor’s degree, a postsecondary credential is the best path to success for poor students.

In the Uganda today, there are millions of young adults, especially low-income young adults, who have both the ability and desire to continue their education past high school. However, they are stalled by limited access to affordable, quality options and competing demands for their time and energy.

This will eventually drive these students to drop out of school due to a lack of funds and regress to a life of poverty and hardships, without any valuable skills to enable them survive through life.

The only path that these students have to avoid a life of poverty and hopelessness is a post secondary education. A post secondary credential is the best bridge between poor students and good jobs. Unless we dramatically increase the number of students who earn a postsecondary degree, it will be difficult for students from disadvantaged backgrounds to get jobs and avoid the vicious cycle of poverty that inevitably awaits them.

Our Strategy/Approach:

METL  partners with universities within and out of Uganda to give disadvantaged, university-ready and highly motivated students the opportunity to attend post secondary education through the issuance of scholarships and bursaries in these partner universities.